Entrées par admin

FontAwesome 5 Pro et Free JSON Cheatsheet

La cheatsheet de FontAwesome 5 n’étant pas à jour, j’ai créé un gist pour référencer les icones en version Gratuite ou Pro. FontAwesome 5 Pro Json CheatSheet FontAwesome 5 Free Json CheatSheet Si vous souhaitez générer un fichier différent, voici également un json bien plus complet que vous pourrez parser vous même : FontAwesome 5 […]

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PHP Script To Copy Files Recursively With Options

This script will help you copy files and folders from one location to another, recursively. For each file or folder you can have copy options. Here is an example conf file : :: GitHub File :: [/etc/php/cacert.pem] keep_existing = 1 [/etc/nginx/nginx.conf] keep_existing = 0 backup = 1 [/etc/nginx/sites-available/default] keep_existing = 0 backup = 1 [/etc/nginx] […]


How To Edit ini & conf Files With Shell Scripts

I wrote some scripts to help editing ini files and conf files while reinstalling my servers. The script is able to process multiple files at once and will add or edit the parameters you want automatically. the configuration file looks like this : :: GitHub File :: [_www.conf] original = /etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/www.conf keep_comments = 0 keep_empty_lines […]


Geo Master est sur Greenlight !

Je vous présente mon dernier jeu nommé « Geo Master », jeu de géographie en 3D. Ce jeu offre plusieurs modes d’apprentissage ludiques. Vous avez la possibilité d’explorer le globe, de tester vos connaissances sans challenge puis de vous confronter au monde entier dans des parties chronométrées sur la planète entière ou sur le continent de votre […]

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Unity3D – Tips when building your game with an Editor script

Here are some basic tricks when you need to build your game by code. First you can launch a build process with a single line of code, for example : [MenuItem(« Exoa/Build/Android »)] public static void PerformBuildAndroid() { string fullPath = Application.dataPath.Replace(« /Assets », « / ») + « _BUILDS/android/build.apk »; // Build Game BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(allScenes, fullPath, BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, BuildOptions.None); } For Android Then you […]

PHP Mobile icons & splashcreens generator

When you publish a game to the Google play store, the AppStore and so on, you face the boring wall of icons, splashcreens and screenshots sizes. You need to generate a lots of differents images for each platform you target and that can be a huge waste of time. I didn’t found any service letting […]


NSAppTransportSecurity fix for Unity3D and iOS 9

If you upgraded to iOS 9, you probably noticed that the HTTP requests inside Unity were returning an error about domain permissions. If you can’t upgrade to the latest Unity 5 patch adding NSAppTransportSecurity features. You will need to add a few lines of code inside the info.plist file after each build.   You will […]